Sen. Brenda Gilmore Chosen As NCEL’s Tennessee State Lead
National group of lawmakers focuses on health land, clean air and water
NASHVILLE — The National Caucus of Environmental Legislators has selected Sen. Brenda Gilmore (D-Nashville) as the 2021 Tennessee State Lead. This position reflects a continued sense of dedication to environmental issues in the Volunteer State and a demonstrated leadership role within the Caucus.
As a member of the General Assembly since 2007 both as a representative and now a senator, Gilmore has long been a member of the National Caucus of Environmental Legislators and an advocate for clean energy and conservation.
“No matter if you’re black, white or brown, we all want to leave future generations a healthy and beautiful place to live,” Sen. Gilmore said. “From our forests and farmland to our parks and cities, it’s more important than ever that we protect our rights to healthy land, clean water and fresh air.”
As a State Lead, Sen. Gilmore will assist in advancing environmental issues in the state and have a prestigious leadership role in the Caucus by coordinating relevant in-state events and introducing colleagues to NCEL.
“State Leads are a vital embodiment of the thriving, diverse NCEL network,” said Jeff Mauk, Executive Director of NCEL. “Led by legislators, this Caucus calls on State Leads to mobilize their commitment to effective environmental policy by engaging their home states, while exchanging knowledge with like-minded legislators across the country.”
Created by and for state legislators, the National Caucus of Environmental Legislators is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that organizes over 1,000 environmentally-committed state legislators from all 50 states and both major parties. NCEL provides venues and opportunities for lawmakers to share ideas and collaborate on their environmental priorities.