Senate GOP passes bill to double corporate PAC contribution limits
Sen. Kyle: Corporate special interests don’t need ‘double the influence’
NASHVILLE — Republicans passed a bill Thursday in the Senate that would double the amount special interest PACs are allowed to give candidates running for state senate.
Sen. Sara Kyle (D-Memphis) voted against the measure, which passed 25–6 on a party line vote.
“The Tennessee Senate already works great for the wealthy and well connected,” Sen. Kyle says. “I assure you corporate special interests do not need double the influence.”
Under current law, candidates for state senate have contributions limits tied to a four-year election cycle in line with a senate term. Under Senate Bill 1120, as amended, contributions limits for state senate candidates would reset every two years — in effect doubling the limit on contributions in a four-year election cycle.
“People see drug prices and health deductibles going up. Families can’t find affordable child care and their kid’s school is starving for resources. Wages are flat, but rent and housing prices are skyrocketing,” Sen. Kyle says. “Working people don’t see our state government working for them because on issue after issue, special interests, armed with big money campaign contributions, are obstructing changes that would help everyday families.”